
A venture funded client, Callz Media came to us for rebranding, design and development of their video collaboration platform. This product had a lot of work that needed to be completed in a short amount of time and since the client wanted to get a beta sooner than later we decided to use the Agile/Scrum product management methodology to accomplish this.

As for the rebranding portion of this project we researched competitors, conducted some focus group meetings with the stakeholders and ran through some naming exercises.  After the research was completed we presented a few names and was born.  The next step was to create a mark for  Through a very simple, flat design we were able to not only represent a unique "S" mark but more importantly we were able to symbolize the collaborative meaning behind SUM by having the inter-lapping sections of the mark create their unique combined color.

For the product design we wanted to take the complexity of this product and make its use simple and effortless. As for the design elements we chose to design using Zurb's Foundation in order to allow for easier turn around time for the development team. Our design direction for this product was simple.  Since this product is merely a vessel to house users assets we wanted to let those assets shine by minimizing the overall color palette and by keeping the design style simple, clean and flat.

When it came to the product development our team ran two week sprints in which we would tackle the design of a section of the product and develop key features and functionality of this section to show the client. This would allow for quicker turnaround of the product but more importantly would allow for the client to see functioning progress which allowed for timely decisions to be made as well as the ability for them to show progress to their investors.