

Kofax came to us with a very small budget and an idea of creating three videos that they could host on their YouTube channel as well as show at conventions.  They were very open to concepts and really just wanted to get views on YouTube and entertain and bring people in to their booth during conventions.

I worked with my creative team and the client to understand the product and how we could tie an interesting story to not only show how the product works but entertain at the same time.  After our stakeholder interviews we understood that the Kofax VRS software did three major things: make wrinkled paper appear not wrinkled after scanning and running through the software, erase unwanted highlighter and ink pen marks and sort unorganized stacks of paper.  

Armed with this knowledge we decided to make the videos setting an office scenario with two completely opposite characters.  Our first character is a button-down female who is always focused and a model employee while our main character is a messy quirky male who is focused on "Goofing Off" more than work and only through the Kofax VRS software does he ever meet his deadlines.  We decided to make the main character's "Goofing Off" scenarios focused around him unorganizing papers, wrinkling papers and writing on important documents and than showing our hero the Kofax VRS software save the day.