

For 11 years my company was branded Earthbound Media Group and with our new move to Playa Vista and with some internal shifts my business partners and I decided that now was the time to rebrand. We also understood how hard it is for any company to rebrand itself so we garnered the help of my very talented friend and outside creative Ty Mattson

We began the arduous process of self reflection and self loathing to better get a sense of what it was that we liked and disliked about our brand and how that reflected to our current and potential clients. After a month of back and forth we finally found our true selves and a voice and brand that mirrored it.  Next my task was to then work with my internal creative team to take the brand mark and create a color palette, branding guide, PowerPoint deck, business cards and all of the marketing materials needed when starting over.  I am extremely proud of the brand and the company and this was a very special project.