
california cryobank

The California Cryobank initially came to us for a homepage redesign but after they loved the work we did and our team this soon turned into a year long relationship where we not only redesigned the homepage but redesigned and developed the most important money generating part of their site...the Donor Search experience. I worked with my creative, UX and development teams to try and rethink the way the users interact with the donor search as well as how to get registered users to upgrade from the "Free" package to "Paid".  

So after gathering CCB's business requirements and conducting user research my team and I came up with the idea to gamify the experience. Since we found out that most of CCB's current users didn't know the difference or see what they were missing from the paid membership that they felt the free membership was more than adequate. So our first order of business was to redesign the Donor Search section of the site with the mindset to show the user what they were missing out on.  For example for the "Free" memberships we showed an image placeholder for donors with a link to upgrade to show users that with a small monthly charge they would be able to see the childhood photos of their potential donor while searching. This turned out out to be a HUGE incentive. In fact the new Donor Search after release not only increased CCB's paid memberships substantially but turned their website into 75% of the companies total annual revenue.